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Buying And Bringing Your Mice Home


Buying and Bringing Your Mice Home

Knowing that you have mice in your future will make you feel bright and happy inside. But don't throw yourself into a floozy! Mice are unique and interesting creatures, and if you don't choose carefully you might end up with the opposite of the type of mouse you want. You might even get a SICK one!

Becoming a new mouse owner is also pretty scary. You don't know wether you'll be good at it or not. Luckily, if you research and study, you will become a great and worthy mouse owner!

Where To Buy Your New Mice

Many people think that wherever you get your mice is fine. But, that is just not true! Those people usually end up with sickly and weak mice because of this mistake. "Than where should buy mice?" You ask.

Well, the best places you can buy mice, are at experienced mouse breeders, or Mouseries. Most of the time, the breeders know exactly what they are doing and are happy to give you proper advice before you leave with your new pet. Unfortunately, Mouseries aren't very popular or common, making it harder to get mice from such places. (See Mouseries section on the About Page.)

A Humane society, or Animal Shelter is another great place to get mice. These places usually take good care of the animals that come there way, so they are most likely healthy. You will also be giving a sweet mouse (or sweet mice) a good home! The bad thing about shelters, is that most aren't sure of the age of the mouse.

I would prefer staying away from pet stores, but for some this isn't an option. Pet Store assistants may act like they are giving great advice, but I learned not to take it. When I got my first mice, the assistant said that a CritterTrail cage would suit my three male mice comfortably, and that they wouldn't fight. Not true, lady!

The worst place you can buy mice, are on online Used-Stuff-Sellers, like Craigslist. These mice might be sick, neglected, or even worse. There isn't much to say about these, other than they are untrustworthy.

What To Buy For Your Mice

Mice are not, I repeat, NOT a 'cheap' pet. You have to spend money. There are supplies, cages and sometimes (though not all the time) vet bills. It's just part of owning a pet. In this section I am going to take you through common supplies that are needed for mice.

Bringing The Mice Home, and the First Day

The Best Part Of Mouse-Ownership Is Here!! You have your new mice in the travel carrier, or cardboard box, and are ready to take them home! Well, first you have to get into the car. The car ride should be pretty smooth, as long as you hold the box or carrier firmly and keep it closed. The worst that could happen is urine soaking through the cardboard.

When you get home, the cage should be put together. If not set up the cage, fill it with bedding, and food, as quickly as possible. Then set a tissue box, or another box with a hole in front into the carrier. Just wait for them to get inside.

When one is inside, pick up the box, and set it inside the cage. The mouse should get out. Repeat until you get all the mice into their new cage. You should leave them alone for a day, to get used to their surroundings. And That's it! You have you mice! I hope you enjoy this new road, that will open you to these loving and social creatures!

Five Tips and Hacks For Cage Cleaning

Cleaning your mouse's cage isn't always the best job, but when it comes to keeping your house and their cage smelling clean, you would do anything. It is not that hard, merely time consuming.

Here are five great tips and hacks for cage cleaning, that will save both money and time:

  1. A mixture of equal parts vinager and water makes an inexpensive disinfectant and cage cleaner.
  2. When out of vineger-mix or cage cleaner, hot water will do fine, especialy mixed with clear, uncented soap.
  3. When cleaning with only a cardboard box to put the mice in, give the box to a family member who has free time. Just make sure they are dependable.
  4. If you have a cage where the bars get disgustingly sticky and gross, soak the bars in hot soapy water.
  5. If you don't want to clean the cage in the shower, get a bucket of hot soapy water or vinager-mix, and a small towlette or kitchen towel.

Mouse Foods and Diet